After God gives Adam his first commandment not to eat of the
Tree of Knowledge in the story of Genesis, he brings each animal to Adam so
that he may name them. “And
whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.” Because none of the animals that were
created was a suitable helper for Adam, God creates a new creature out of
Adam’s flesh. Adam names this
creature, Woman.
Names in the Bible have huge significance. With all the names and biblical
references in the HBO television show, True Detective, the names of the
characters deserve a second look, and Rust Cohle, played by Matthew McConaughey,
is perhaps the most important one.
Rest is red. For
me, rust always evokes the image of dried blood, given blood’s iron content and
the texture of how it dries. Rust
implies that a material has been weakened. Rust is precisely that, rusty. In the interview room with the two clueless detectives, we
think that he has lost his edge, or perhaps his mind.
Coal is black. Coal
embodies darkness, but it also has the potential to eradicate the dark. Coal is dirty. Whatever it touches gets sooty marks
over it. Coal has the potential to
burn you.
Rust Cohle is both the darkness and the blood. He is messy. Broken. Rust Cohle
evokes powerful imagery and that is echoed by the near poetry of the evil he
faces. A great name for a great
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